Simpson Series Terms & Conditions

All events will be run in accordance with the R&A, The Rules of Golf and in addition local rules at each different venue.

Event Types

  • DRIVE & DINE – These events include a one course meal after golf, along with your 18-hole green fee, professionally hosted WHS qualifying event, Golf Genius Live scoring and a chance to win £335 worth of Prizes.
  • PLAY AWAY – These events include your 18-hole green fee, professionally hosted WHS qualifying event, Golf Genius Live scoring and a chance to win £335 worth of Prizes.

Player Eligibility

  • Events are open to all Amateur golfers, Male and Female.
  • Competitors under the age of 18 years are welcome to compete providing they are accompanied by an adult for the duration of the event.
  • The handicap Index limit for both Male and Female players at every event is 24. Should your handicap Index be higher than the 24 limit, your handicap Index will be reduced to 24 for the event. Depending on which course the event is held at, a players playing handicap might eventually be higher than the 24 handicap Index limit.
  • A player is solely responsible for playing from their correct handicap.
  • Members of England igolf, open play and flexi club who hold an official handicap are welcome to play in a Simpson Series event and compete for prizes providing they have completed 4 x 18-hole competition rounds in the same year prior to playing in the event. (This will be checked with each relevant union) If they haven’t played 4 competition rounds, they are ineligible to compete for main prizes but will be allowed to compete for Nearest the Pin Prizes on the day.
  • Players without a handicap, Independent Golfers, are most welcome to play in Simpson Series events. Providing they have a good knowledge of the game, rules and pace of play. They are not allowed to compete for main prizes against WHS golfers but are eligible to compete for the Nearest the Pin Prizes on the day.
  • Professionals are welcome to play in Simpson Series events, however they are not able to compete for any prizes, against Amateur players or be eligible for or win the Spring, Summer or Winter OOM.

Competition Integrity

  • I have a responsibility to all competitors to ensure the integrity of Simpson Series events. Rest Assured I take this very seriously and there are many steps I take both ahead of the event and after to ensure FAIR competition.
  • Player Integrity plays a big part in the game of golf, I expect every golfer playing in a Simpson Series event to act with honesty and integrity and also report players that don’t, in the interest of fair competition and to protect the series.
  • It is every competitor’s responsibility to record their correct score, either themselves on the app or scorecard but also to their scorer in the group and especially on finishing 18 holes and prior to any score being submitted. Failure to do this could result in Disqualification under Rule 3.3b.
  • Country governing bodies and home clubs of winners are routinely contacted to check handicap patterns and recent competition scores.
  • I reserve the right to refuse entry to any competitors at a Simpson Series event, if I feel the event integrity would be affected by their presence.

Booking Events

  • A player may compete in as many or as little events as they wish, all events are Individual events, despite some events being grouped together in a series of 2/3 days.
  • When booking please enter details for all players in your party (up to 12 players per booking). For larger groups please email Georgina.
  • CDH numbers and emails will be required, however your booking can be edited in golf genius and your players details added to your booking up to 4 days before the event. Unfortunately, after this time (3 days prior to the event and after) scores for WHS players with missing CDH numbers will not transfer back to their club automatically and onto their WHS record.
  • Payment for all events is taken in advance through the website using golf genius software and Stripe payment facility. Once paid this guarantees your place in the field for that event. All major credit cards are accepted, and transactions will appear on the cardholder’s bank statement as 18Events
  • Event registration will close at noon, 1 week before each event date, the player information and tee sheet will then be sent to players by email 3 days before the event.
  • If you are unable to make the event, you are welcome to find a substitute for yourself providing you can pass new player details onto the event organiser (Georgina) up to 4 days before the event date and before the draw is made and sent out. Email substitute information to
  • If you are unable to make the event up to 60 days before the event date and cannot find a substitute, you are entitled to a full refund minus a small £3.00 per person fee to cover Stripe transaction charges.
  • If you are unable to make the event up to 30 days before the event date and cannot find a substitute, you are entitled to a 50% refund.
  • If you are unable to make the event past 30 days to the event date, you must find a substitute.
  • If an event is oversubscribed, golf genius will automatically add you to a waitlist, no money will be taken from your card until you are moved into the event. This is done automatically and on a first come first served basis. If you are a group, the system will only move you into the event when there is room for all of your group.
  • Please register any special player dietary requirements for DRIVE & DINE events when you enter the player for each event

Tee Time Requests

  • When booking an event there will be an option for an Early or Late Tee time request, this will relate to the Reserved Tee time booking on each event page.
  • There is also an option to request a tee time for travel, childcare or caring reasons by emailing your request up until the closing date for each event, (1 week before) to
  • I will always try to accommodate tee time requests, but these cannot be guaranteed due to group sizes, large numbers of groups in the field and lots of players requesting the same times. Tee times will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so please get your requests in early.

Competition Format and Rules

  • Every event format is Mixed Individual Stableford with 95% handicap allowance under the World Handicap System. Where permitted men will play from white competition tees or equivalent and women will play from red competition tees or equivalent.
  • Handicap adjustments will be applied so men and women can compete against each other under WHS rules for Mixed Individual Stableford.
  • The use of buggies is permitted in events, players must make their own hire arrangements directly with the club and seek permissions if bringing their own buggy, this is solely the responsibility of the player.
  • Caddies are permitted at any event; the player is responsible for their actions on and off the course and their food.
  • GPS and laser range finding equipment which only measures distance and nothing else is permitted. However, the use of smartphones and other devices that provide additional information such as wind speed, wind direction and gradient is in breach of the Rules of golf.
  • There will be an order of Merit Winner for each Season, Winter, Spring and Summer. Order of merit points will be added together per season, the more events you play, the more points you receive, also the better you play, the more points you receive. The points system is taken from the PGA tour money breakdown percentage with a slight change to make it less top heavy. There will be a splendid prize for each season OOM winner.

Slow Play

  • Competitors should be ready to play, be aware of golf etiquette and pay attention to teeing grounds etc to save time on the course.
  • Competitors will be monitored through the Golf Genius system as to where they are on the golf course. Fourballs losing ground should make every effort to close the gap on the group in front of them and if that is not possible allow groups behind to play through, this will keep the whole field moving. Losing ground happens but please consider if your fourball loses 3 holes, for the players behind you it could mean an hour delay.


  • I will be using the Golf Genius Software for scoring at the events.
  • Players will receive an email prior to the event asking them to familiarize themselves with the Golf Genius App and use the code provided to access the app. There will be one scorecard per fourball given out at registration, only 1 person per fourball is responsible to score for the group on the card and another person per fourball will keep score for the group on the app.
  • Please confirm your correct scores with your scorers before the 18th hole scores are confirmed, this should be done as soon as possible so’s not to delay the prize presentation.
  • In the case of a tie, the result will be decided on countback, taking into account the last 9,6,3,1 holes, based on the order of holes as set out on the scorecard, regardless of where the player started their round.

Event Prizes

  • Prizes will either be distributed in a quick, relaxed end of day prize presentation after each event or in the case of LOVE2SHOP online vouchers, emailed through to winners on the very same evening. (No waiting around for Prizes)
  • Event Prizes are subject to change at the discretion of our sponsors.
  • LOVE2SHOP online vouchers will be valid for 1 year from the event date and can be transferred into a choice of over 50 High Street Stores or experiences. (There may be Terms & conditions to adhere to from the online store you choose but there are No limitations on what you can buy with your vouchers)
  • Should player numbers be under 40 players on the day of an event, Voucher Prize amounts may be lowered for that event only.

Player / Club Contract

  • At every event the contract for a tee time will always be between you and the golf club in question. The golf club and Simpson Series have a commercial agreement in place, whereby the golf club will pay Simpson Series a commission fee for advertising and facilitating the sale of your tee time and the event between you and the golf club.

Bad weather policy

  • Should an event have to be cancelled due to bad weather, we cannot guarantee a refund, but we will work with the club to find a new date for the event and transfer your booking ono the new date.
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